Part 3: Accidents and Errors
In this part, we will continue part 2, adding materials, color, and lighting in renderings of your cuniform. We will then collect all versions of the cuniform to trace a Machine Learning algorithm to produce further variations.Revisiting the Remesh and Remap and BlendMesh, Texture mapping from Substance Painter
Install Substance Painter- Free Education version hereUse Remesh and Remap V2.1
Use Blendmesh V2.1
Install Plug-ins: Human, Weaverbird, MeshEdit, Impala, Wombat, Shutterbug
Using a custom texture map from Substance Painter
Natively, Rhino’s texture mapping functions are limited and difficult. A custom texture map can easily be made from the original cuniform in a third party app like Substance Painter, then used as a guide map onto the manipulated mesh in grasshopper.+++ Note: Export Mesh from Substance Painter, uncheck Apply Triangulation
Blend Mesh V2.1 : Introducing Color
Vray Animation in Grasshopper
Materials, objects, and lights can be animated in Vray via GrasshopperUse Vray Setup Basics for reference